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EUMEPS teams up with ElipsoKnauf IndustriesSirapSipa and Storopack to tackle the difficult situation for EPS packaging in France. The 5 organisations have launched the project “Créa-Styr” (Collecte et Recyclage des Emballages Alvéolaires Styréniques) to meet the requirements of the Climate and Resilience Act (Loi Climat et Résilience).

The objective of Créa-Styr is to make Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) packaging (industrial and commercial packaging as well as EPS and XPS household packaging) recognised as recyclable by the French authorities and EPR companies.

On the occasion of the official kick-off, a detailed work-program was published. Créa-Styr will develop the collection and sorting of EPS and XPS to ensure that 100% of the material is recovered, avoiding landfill or thermal recovery. Furthermore, the project’s ambition is to ensure a recycling rate of 100 % of the EPS and XPS collected in France by 2025.  

Last but not least, the  industry wants to measure progress, raise awareness and communicate about the collection and recycling of both materials.

The kick-off attracted  various news channels. The newspaper L’Usine Nouvelle published an interview  with Christian Théry, former president of ELIPSO, and Jürgen Lang, President of EUMEPS (the full version can be found here).

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