The latest
EPS in Numbers
EPS is a resource-efficient material used in countless applications. It contributes to reducing carbon footprints, preserving biodiversity and creating a circular economy.
For decades, EPS has been facilitating people's lives
with many applications in packaging and construction
Fritz Statsny (BASF) created EPS in 1949
EPS embraces the future of the circular economy
through mechanical, physical, and chemical recycling
EPS is a 100% recyclable material
EPS is an extremely lightweight material
tiny EPS beads expand like popcorn
EPS is only 2% polystryrene
Some call EPS "engineered air"
due to its structure, with EPS encapsulating air
EPS is composed of nearly 98% air
EPS packaging is recycled at high rates
in many European countries: Norway, Denmark, Greece and the Netherlands, for example
recycling rate of EPS fishboxes
EPS is widely recycled across Europe
as per the Conversio Study data (2021)
of EPS waste in Europe is recycled
A dedicated effort to collect EPS packaging waste
across Europe
372 kt
EPS packaging waste collected in 2021
A dedicated effort to collect EPS construction cut-offs
across Europe
135 kt
EPS construction waste collected in 2021
Meet the EUMEPS members
EUMEPS unites Raw Material Suppliers, Converters, Recyclers, Additive Spare Parts and Tool Suppliers as well as National Associations in advancing the EPS sector’s sustainability mission and achieving European recycling, and energy-efficiency targets.
EUMEPS: the Voice of the EPS Industry
EUMEPS is the premier advocate for EPS solutions. Representing every link of the EPS value chain, from large companies to SMEs, we are committed to fulfilling European environmental objectives.
As a contributor to making Europe climate-neutral and resource-efficient, we showcase EPS as a smart choice in packaging and insulation.