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The Journey of EPS Recycling and Reusability with EUMEPS

The path to sustainability in the packaging industry is marked by significant milestones in the recycling and reusability of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). EUMEPS with the Smart Packaging Europe initiative is instrumental in driving innovation and advocating for practices that enhance the lifecycle of EPS packaging. Find out more about how we achieve this below:

Advancements and partnerships in EPS Recycling 

EUMEPS has advocated for the advancement of both mechanical and chemical recycling methods for EPS to significantly reduce its environmental footprint. Mechanical recycling, which involves breaking down used EPS into granules to manufacture new products, has seen increased efficiency and wider application under EUMEPS's guidance. While chemical recycling, which returns EPS to its original monomer form, holds the promise of perpetually recycled EPS with minimal quality loss. 

Through initiatives like RecoTrace® and collaborations with recycling entities, EUMEPS has fostered improved infrastructure for EPS recycling. By providing traceability tools and supporting the development of specialised recycling facilities, EUMEPS ensures that EPS waste is effectively captured and reprocessed. These efforts have led to increased recycling rates across Europe, enhancing the material's sustainability and reducing waste in landfills.


EPS Reusability and Reduction of Environmental Impact 

Beyond recycling, EUMEPS advocates for the reuse of EPS in various applications, emphasising its durability. By developing guidelines and best practices for the reuse of EPS packaging, especially in sectors like food transport and pharmaceuticals, EUMEPS promotes a model of sustainability that values resource conservation. 

Our commitment to sustainability is further evidenced by our efforts to minimise the environmental impact of EPS production and use. By promoting the adoption of cleaner production technologies, as well as encouraging the design of EPS packaging for recyclability and reusability, EUMEPS has contributed to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint associated with EPS. 

A Key to Achieving a Sustainable Tomorrow 

Through a driven commitment to recycling and reusability, EUMEPS has positioned EPS as an unavoidable solution in sustainable packaging. The organisation's initiatives and advocacy have not only enhanced the environmental profile of EPS but also set a benchmark for sustainability in the packaging industry. As EUMEPS continues to drive innovation and collaboration, the future of EPS recycling and reusability looks promising, paving the way for a greener, more sustainable world.