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To foster trust and transparency in the market, the European Commission has introduced measures to regulate green claims made by companies. This initiative aims to combat greenwashing and promote genuine sustainability efforts. This article, designed to inform our members, highlights the importance of these regulations and explores how they can enhance the credibility of environmentally friendly claims in the EPS industry.


The Importance of Regulating Green Claims

The European Commission's initiative on green claims is a significant step towards ensuring that consumers receive accurate information about the environmental impact of products and services. Greenwashing, the practice of making misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product, undermines consumer trust and hinders genuine sustainability efforts.

To address this, the Commission has set out to establish clear and verifiable standards for green claims. This involves requiring companies to substantiate their environmental claims with solid evidence and transparency. For the EPS industry, this means that claims about the sustainability and recyclability of EPS products must be backed by credible data and third-party verification.

EUMEPS members are encouraged to align their marketing practices with these new regulations. By doing so, they can not only comply with legal requirements but also build stronger relationships with consumers and stakeholders. Accurate green claims can enhance the reputation of EPS as a sustainable material, fostering greater acceptance and trust in the market.

The Commission's proposal outlines that companies must provide scientific evidence supporting their green claims. This includes conducting thorough life cycle assessments (LCAs) to evaluate the environmental impacts of their products from production to disposal. LCAs should cover factors such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and resource use, providing a comprehensive overview of a product’s environmental footprint.


Implementing Standards for Green Claims

The new regulations require companies to provide clear, precise, and evidence-based information to support their green claims. This includes details about the methodologies used to assess environmental impacts (for example in the case of construction products - EN 15804, a European standard that provides guidelines for creating Environmental Product Declarations - or EPDs -, which detail the environmental impact of products).

For EPS manufacturers, this might involve detailed documentation on the life cycle analysis of their products (currently included in EPDs and in the future in the Declarations of Performance and Conformity - or DoPCs -, which will offer comprehensive information on product sustainability), demonstrating the environmental benefits of using EPS for insulation and construction. Additionally, companies will need to ensure that their claims are understandable and accessible to consumers, avoiding technical jargon that could lead to confusion.

The European Commission also encourages the use of recognised labels and certifications to support green claims. These labels provide consumers with easily identifiable and trustworthy information about the environmental performance of products. By adopting such labels, EUMEPS members can further differentiate their products in the marketplace and underscore their commitment to sustainability.

Moreover, the regulation calls for regular monitoring and enforcement to ensure compliance. Companies found to be making unsubstantiated claims could face penalties, further emphasising the importance of transparency and accuracy in environmental marketing. This includes random inspections and audits conducted by national authorities to verify the accuracy of green claims.

In addition, the regulation proposes the establishment of a public database where companies must register their environmental claims. This database will allow consumers, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies to access and review the evidence supporting each claim, ensuring ongoing transparency and accountability.


Fostering Consumer Confidence and Market Integrity

By adhering to these regulations, EUMEPS members can help foster consumer confidence in green claims and promote market integrity. Transparent and verified claims will enable consumers to make informed choices, driving demand for genuinely sustainable products.

One practical example is the potential for EPS insulation materials to be marketed with clear, verified claims about their energy-saving benefits and recyclability. Such claims, supported by solid data, can help consumers understand the true value of EPS in reducing energy consumption and supporting a circular economy.

Furthermore, the initiative encourages innovation within the EPS industry. Companies will be motivated to develop new technologies and practices that enhance the sustainability of their products, knowing that genuine environmental benefits will be recognised and rewarded in the marketplace.


Conclusion: Building Trust Through Transparency

In conclusion, the European Commission's measures to regulate green claims represent a crucial advancement in promoting sustainable practices and combating greenwashing. For the EPS industry, these regulations provide an opportunity to showcase the genuine environmental benefits of EPS products and build consumer trust through transparency and accuracy.

By adhering to these standards, EUMEPS members can not only comply with legal requirements but also strengthen their market position as leaders in sustainability. Embracing transparent green claims will help ensure that EPS continues to be recognised as a valuable material in the pursuit of a circular and resource-efficient economy.


For more information on how EUMEPS is supporting its members in this journey, visit our website and join our initiatives aimed at fostering sustainable practices. Together, we can ensure that EPS plays a crucial role in building a greener future for Europe.


For further details on the European Commission's initiative on green claims, please visit the official page here.

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