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Import statistics have shown that EPS Raw Material is still imported into Europe from war-inflicting countries such as Russia and Iran. The products are either imported directly or via third countries which benefit from trade preferences with the EU. Imported material is also arriving from countries that choose to support these rogue nations by purchasing cheap raw materials and energy from them. EUMEPS, the voice of the European EPS industry, strongly condemns these trade transactions.

Against the background of the current geopolitical situation, the EU’s sanctions regime seems incomplete and permeable, allowing for circumventions. Furthermore, the European import control mechanism is not fit for purpose as quality controls are not duly performed and changing of labels of origin in transition countries is easily possible. Thus, such imported products are neither controlled for compliance with applicable European regulations, nor it is verified whether they dispose of the required product approvals. As a result, the risk of using such products lies fully with the converter company. The implications can be very substantial.

While being fully supportive of free trade with products that comply with the European Health, Safety and Environment requirements, EUMEPS advocates for a level playing field for all EPS Raw Material Suppliers, European and non-European alike. We also support full transparency in import statistics.

EUMEPS underlines the importance for all its members to ensure effective compliance with the EU sanctions regime and EU quality requirements by their Raw Material Suppliers, in order to prevent breaches of the applicable legislation and unfair competition against European suppliers.