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In this edition of Faces of EUMEPS, we feature Cyril Vannson, Site Director at Hirsch Isolation in France. Cyril's career journey reflects a deep commitment to quality and innovation, from his beginnings in the wood and automotive industries to his current role in the EPS sector. In this interview, Cyril shares his insights into the French EPS insulation market, the challenges and innovations within the industry, and how Hirsch Isolation is contributing to a more sustainable future.


Can you tell us about your background and what led you to work in the EPS industry at Hirsch Isolation?

1D7A1242 BD Christiphe Boury www.photographe I began my professional career as a Quality Technician in the wood industry (manufacturing OSB panels) and later in the automotive industry (manufacturing car locks). Subsequently, I joined the production team at Isobox-Henry (now Hirsch) as a CNC programmer. Over the years, the company has allowed me to progress through various positions, and I now hold the role of Site Director. Working at a production site on a human scale enables one to understand all the intricacies of the company.

It is a great source of pride to work at Hirsch daily, producing EPS that is 100% recyclable and has a positive environmental balance over its entire lifecycle. Additionally, our factories strive every day to be cleaner by reducing our energy consumption, further lowering our water usage, and reducing non-recyclable waste.

Our products and the way we manufacture them have a positive impact on the health of our planet today and for the future, making us active participants in the coming changes.


What is your vision of the EPS insulation market in France, and how does it differ from other European markets?

The new-build market has significantly declined compared to previous years, and the current economic climate is likely to persist. However, the renovation market should remain stable or even grow, as the need for insulation in both collective and individual housing is substantial. In France in 2023, the number of energy-inefficient homes is estimated at 6.6 million, representing 18% of the housing stock. There is still much work to be done.


In your opinion, what will be the main challenges facing the EPS industry in the coming years, particularly in France?

Buildings will need to be more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, so the demand for insulating materials will continue to grow. We must continue to be as agile as we are today, providing the best possible service quality and developing products with enhanced thermal and mechanical performance. We are organising our production sites by implementing a waste collection and recycling programme for construction waste (REuse service), which will enable us to give EPS a second life.

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What are the most notable innovations you have observed in the EPS industry during your career?

Over the years, I have witnessed the improvement of EPS's thermal performance, particularly with the introduction of graphite-enhanced EPS. Waste recovery has also been developed, and we now manufacture EPS panels with 100% recycled material. The use of raw materials derived from biomass significantly reduces our carbon footprint. EPS has evolved and has adapted to new regulatory developments.


How do French and European regulations influence the EPS industry, and how does Hirsch Isolation respond to them?

Climate change is a major challenge for our society, and regulations require us to be ever more innovative. This is why Hirsch Isolation places a strong emphasis on the experience and expertise of its employees, investing in increasingly environmentally friendly factories that are becoming less and less energy-intensive.

Testimonials our voices Cyril Vannson SocMed


What trends do you anticipate for the EPS industry in France in the coming years?

Energy efficiency is at the forefront of everyone's mind; the building sector alone accounts for 40% of the country's energy consumption. This is why the need to insulate buildings (public, tertiary, individual, etc.) is essential.


How do the ecological transition and sustainability objectives affect the EPS industry in France?

EPS is a lightweight insulating material that is easy to work with and has excellent mechanical and thermal properties. It is composed of 98% air and is low in energy consumption during production; moreover, it is 100% recyclable. This durable material should be the number one choice for insulation solutions.

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