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The International ETICS Conference in Poland, organised by the Polish Association for Thermal Insulation Systems, once again proved to be a vital platform for discussing advancements in External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS). This year’s conference, held in Żnin (Poland) on 9 and 10 May 2024, featured notable presentations and discussions, albeit with a heavier focus on anchoring than in previous years. Jakub Stefaniak, EUMEPS Technical Affairs Manager, shared his insights and experiences from the event. Below are his main key takeaways from this event.


EPS Recycling Initiatives in Slovakia

Marta Strapkova from the Slovak EPS Association, which is one of EUMEPS’ members, presented comprehensive details on EPS recycling points across Slovakia. She outlined the association’s ambitious plans to expand EPS recycling infrastructure, showcasing Slovakia’s commitment to sustainability. “Marta’s presentation was enlightening, offering a clear path forward for EPS recycling in this region,” noted Jakub Stefaniak.


Large-Scale Fire Testing of EPS

A highlight of the conference was the presentation by Dr. Vladimír Vymětalík from the Czech ETICS Association. He discussed large-scale fire testing according to an ISO standard, demonstrating that EPS successfully passed the rigorous tests. “Dr. Vymětalík’s findings were significant, reinforcing the fire safety of EPS in building applications,” Stefaniak remarked.


Energy Efficiency and ETICS Design

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Sternová’s presentation delved into the EU Member States’ requirements for energy efficiency and the implications for ETICS design. She highlighted a dramatic shift in ETICS sales in Slovakia, with a notable drop in EPS usage and a rise in mineral wool (MW) due to changing building codes and fire safety requirements. Prof. Sternová’s pointed comment, “sometimes fear-based marketing is stronger than science,” received considerable applause, sparking extensive discussion among attendees. “Her insights were a stark reminder of the challenges we face in promoting scientifically backed materials like EPS,” further analysed Jakub Stefaniak.


A Memorable Experience

Despite a few less engaging sessions, Jakub Stefaniak emphasised the overall value of the conference. “The event was as always fantastic and very informative,” he stated. He particularly appreciated the equal representation from Czech, Slovak, and Polish colleagues, which enriched the discussions.

Jakub Stefaniak expressed his gratitude to the organisers and speakers, especially Marta Strapková, Jacek Michalak, and Magdalena Wrona, for their contributions. “I am already looking forward to the conference next year!” he exclaimed.

The 2024 International ETICS Conference in Poland highlighted critical advancements and challenges in the ETICS industry. Jakub Stefaniak’s participation underscored the importance of continued collaboration and innovation in promoting EPS as a sustainable and safe building material. As the industry navigates evolving regulations and market dynamics, events like these remain crucial for sharing knowledge and driving progress.

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