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In this edition of Faces of EUMEPS, we introduce Paola Beduini, the passionate and sustainability-driven President of TERMOLAN S.R.L. As a leader in Italy’s EPS industry, Paola has dedicated her career to integrating sustainability into every facet of TERMOLAN’s operations. Under her guidance, the company has launched pioneering initiatives such as Mission Recycle and the “We Care” project, setting new standards in environmental responsibility. Paola shares her insights on how TERMOLAN is contributing to a more sustainable future for the EPS industry while also maintaining its competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.


Can you tell us about your role as President at TERMOLAN S.R.L. and your journey in the EPS industry?

As President of TERMOLAN S.R.L., I am entrusted with guiding the strategic vision and daily operations of our company. TERMOLAN is a proud member of the LAPE Group, an important player in the EPS and thermal insulation industry in Italy, with over 50 years of history. I am part of the second generation of our family business. After gaining diverse experiences outside our family enterprise, I returned to take on the responsibility of managing the entire group, including TERMOLAN, in 2013. My journey in the EPS industry has been a blend of honouring our rich heritage while driving innovation and sustainability.


Over the past 10 years, you have successfully transformed TERMOLAN from a family-run business into a managerial enterprise. What were some of the key challenges you faced during this transformation, and how did you overcome them?

The transformation of TERMOLAN has been a gradual and rewarding journey, and it is still ongoing. One of the key factors that allowed us to succeed has been the unity within our family. This cohesion was crucial for navigating the complexities of the transformation. Finding and empowering the right people for key roles was also essential. By establishing a clear framework with defined procedures in each department and trusting our team, we fostered a culture of responsibility and innovation. For example, preparing our team to lead our digital transformation was fundamental. This team successfully implemented the integration of the ERP system with MES and CRM, optimising our operations and improving overall efficiency.


What strategic planning and execution steps were crucial in the transformation of TERMOLAN? Can you share some specific examples of successful initiatives?

Our transformation journey involved evolving from a traditional family-run business model to a highly qualified and modern managerial structure. One of the most successful interventions was the introduction of lean manufacturing principles aimed at reducing waste and increasing efficiency while maintaining our quality standards. Another example was our investment in materials research, which led to the creation of EPS products with high percentages of recycled materials (or even 100% like our Greycicle®), even before regulations required it. These products not only meet stringent environmental standards but have also opened new possibilities for us, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and innovation.


Consolidating the corporate structure was a significant part of TERMOLAN's transformation. Can you elaborate on the process and the key elements contributing to this success?

To consolidate our corporate structure, we redefined our organisational hierarchy and implemented a robust governance framework. We established regular Management Group meetings and transparent decision-making processes. This approach has enabled us to make more informed and strategic decisions, ensuring the entire company remains vigilant and agile in responding to the continuous challenges of an ever-changing environment. We also reintroduced the ISO 9001 total quality system and adopted the 231/2001 managerial governance model, further strengthening our commitment to quality and effective management practices.


testimonial paola beduini


How did you approach the redesign of processes within TERMOLAN to ensure efficiency and competitiveness in the market?

We approached the redesign of our processes with a strong focus on data analysis and continuous improvement. We upgraded our production and machinery with state-of-the-art automated systems interconnected with our management software (MES), increasing the amount of collected information, enhancing communication speed between departments, and reducing errors. In the sales department, we implemented a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to improve customer service and launched an online platform that allows our entire sales force to track orders and access technical support, significantly boosting customer satisfaction. These steps have made us more competitive and efficient.


In a world characterised by rapid and unpredictable changes, how has TERMOLAN managed to remain adaptable and competitive? What strategies have you implemented to ensure the company’s resilience?

To remain adaptable, we engage in medium-term strategic planning while retaining the flexibility to quickly adjust to new circumstances. For example, during recent global supply chain disruptions, we re-evaluated our sourcing strategies and established additional supplier relationships to ensure operational continuity. Our relatively small size allows us to be nimble and responsive, which is a significant advantage in today's fast-paced environment.


Considering the entire life cycle of EPS, how has TERMOLAN integrated sustainability into its operations and product offerings?

Sustainability is at the heart of our operations and product offerings. Our Mission Recycle company launched years ago, focuses on recycling post-consumer EPS and XPS waste. Despite regulatory challenges, this initiative is showing promising results. Every EPS processor is essentially a small recycler: we consistently recover and reintroduce production scraps into new production cycles. With Mission Recycle, we have expanded our reach, recovering polystyrene waste from across the region and becoming a concrete point of reference for recycling this valuable material. In 2020, we launched the “We Care” initiative, which encompasses all our sustainability and environmental efforts. Last year, we voluntarily presented our first sustainability report, and we are about to release the 2023 edition. Sustainability is a key part of our future strategy, helping us improve a little more each year. Transparency towards our partners and a comprehensive approach to sustainability are fundamental to our identity. These steps demonstrate our commitment to reducing our environmental impact and advancing sustainable practices within the industry.


As a leader, what is your vision for the future of TERMOLAN, and how do you plan to drive the company towards achieving this vision?

My vision for TERMOLAN is to achieve significant growth and establish ourselves as a leader in the EPS industry. To reach this goal, we need to continuously innovate and invest in our capabilities to compete with larger players. We must actively seek out market opportunities and pursue them with determination and responsibility. We aim to maintain and enhance our reputation for high quality, building solid foundations that will enable future generations to continue our legacy.


How has being a member of EUMEPS benefited TERMOLAN? Can you share some examples of how EUMEPS has supported your company’s growth and development?

Being a member of EUMEPS has provided us with numerous benefits. It has allowed us to connect with a network of international operators, facilitating the exchange of ideas and future visions. The efforts of EUMEPS in advancing the interests and concerns of its members have been particularly supportive of our strategic goals, especially in the realm of sustainability. Additionally, having access to qualified and authoritative information through EUMEPS has been invaluable in guiding our growth and development.


Could you share a personal anecdote or experience that highlights your passion for the EPS industry and your commitment to TERMOLAN’s success?

A personal experience that profoundly influenced my passion for the EPS industry was a lesson I learned from my father in the late 1960s. We were producing our first blocks of EPS, and the scraps were being thrown away. The German technician, who did not speak Italian, burned a banknote to show my father—without using words—the value of those scraps and the importance of recycling. This simple yet powerful demonstration highlighted the potential of reclaiming what might otherwise be wasted. This episode is symbolic of what the present and future of EPS represent: the recycling and sustainability of a valuable product. This commitment drives initiatives like Mission Recycle and our continuous efforts to enhance sustainability practices.