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EPS, 100% Recyclable


One hundred percent recyclable, EPS cut-offs are collected at the construction site and returned to the production cycle to produce new insulation materials.An alternative to this exists, however.

Before EPS façade insulation is dismantled, it is important to consider whether an ETICS with EPS insulation material no longer satisfies energy efficiency requirements. When this happens, it is worthwhile to consider doubling the insulation layer. This approach can bring an outdated building envelope up to higher modern energy standards. A building with an additional insulation layer and fresh plaster has the advantage of looking brand new while providing greater living comfort. This approach shines in its cost-effectiveness, trumping a complete replacement of the ETICS.

A study carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics has finally shown that the lifespan of older EPS insulation can be extended for a period of up to 120 years.

The groundbreaking PSLoop Demo Plant, backed by a consortium of industry leaders, is leading the way in recycling EPS insulation materials extracted from demolition and renovation projects in the Netherlands. It achieves this while ensuring the safe removal of the brominated flame retardant HBCD